Company Hello's Deployment
    • 26 Oct 2022
    • 4 Minutes to read
    • Contributors
    • Dark

    Company Hello's Deployment

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Here you will find a step-by-step guide of companys hello's deployment, describing in a simple/non-tecnical way, every step towards the implementation, considering that one of ours Customer Engineers will be present at the deployment's metting.

    Step 01 - App Registration

    According to our prerequisite documentation, we're starting the deployment in Azure Active Directory, registering our applications in your Azure Directory.

    In this step, we'll create two app registrations, one for the users app and one for the authors app.

    During the process, some information about the app registrations will be needed, here those informations:

    • App ID - of both App Registrations.
    • Client Secret - of both App Registrations.
    • Tenant ID


    At this moment we will also need to configure the aplication authentication and its permissions, that your Global administrator will have to consent, here the permissions we will need:

    Delegated Permissions:

    • Group.Read.All
    • AppCatalog.Read.All

    Application Permissions:

    • Group.Read.All
    • User.Read.All
    • TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser.All

    Step 02 - ARM Deployment

    Now that the applications are registered, we can run an ARM - Azure Resource Manager, that will create all resources needed for the Company Hello to run, one of ours Customer Engineers will send a link with the ARM preconfigured, so we won't need to create the resources individually.


    Now we can use the IDs collected in Step 01 to fill the ARM Requirements, here are these fields:

    • Region
    • Base Resource Name
    • Bot Author Name
    • User Client Id
    • User Client Secret
    • Author Client Id
    • Author Client Secret
    • Sender UPN List
    • User App External Id
    • App Display Name
    • App Description

    Our Engineer will overview all process side by side with the technical team of your company, explaining whats every of this fields stands for and helping them to fill them.

    After filling those fields, we can create the resources.

    Resource Deployment

    The ARM run can be as 2 to 5 minutes long and once its finished, the resources will be avaliable on your Azure Directory.

    Here's a list of the resources on the ARM:

    • Storage Account;
    • Web App Bot (x2);
    • Application Insights;
    • Azure FrontDoor;
    • Azure Service Bus;
    • App Service Plan;
    • App Service;
    • Function App (x3).


    Step 03 - Aplication Binaries Deployment

    Now that we have sucessfully deployed all resources needed to Company Hello run in your Azure, we must deploy the application binaries.
    Our Customer Engineer will share an drive link that will have 4 zipped files (app, data, send, prep), whom must be download but not unzipped, after that we'll upload this four files one for the app service and one for each of the three functions.
    The upload can be done in Advanced Settings on Kudu portal:


    Step 04 - Microsoft Teams Admin Center

    At this point we already have all infraestructure ready to go, so we must upload the app to your teams app catalog on Teams Admin Center, those apps are the interface that your end user will work on. As we know by the App Registrations, two apps will be uploaded.


    We'll need acess to the Teams admin Center, our engineer will share another drive link, this time with two zipped files one for the user app and another for the authors app. With those zips, we'll go to Teams Apps > Manage App to upload both.


    As the uploads are done, we'll start the configuration of the teams set-up and permission policies.

    Step 05 - Teams Policies

    As we already know a Microsoft Teams scenario in a company can be complex considering that can alrealdy exist some policies to keep the front-line workers safe.

    Into this part of deployment, it will be necessary to revise the already created policies (if there's any) and if we need to, we can create a setup policy delegating to the teams that your company chooses or to all users in your directory, with this step done, we won't need to install the user app one by one, saving us some time to make the adoption easy as it can be.
    The app can be pinned to Microsoft Teams toolbar, making even easier to your user to get to the messages your author's team sent.

    So we will create or edit these policies:

    • Setup Policies;
    • Permission Policies.

    Step 06 - Installing the authors app in a Team

    This is our final step towards the full implementation of the Company Hello in your organization, at this point we need acess to one of the author user's Microsoft teams, this can be done by the desktop or even the web app.

    On Microsoft Teams, we can create a Team that that will have all authors inside, once we created and delegated this team, the installation of the App can be done.

    As we know, we've already uploaded both app in your organizations app catalog, so we won't need any upload or special permission, just search the app's on your teams marketplace and install, simple as that!

    Once we're finished with this, the application is ready to go!


    Done! Company Hello setup in your organization is now complete.

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