Company Hello's Prerequisites
    • 19 Sep 2022
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors
    • Dark

    Company Hello's Prerequisites

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Company Hello is a Teams App that has it's infraestructure based on Microsoft Azure, so it's important that we know the application prerequisites before the deployment meeting.

    Company Hello Prerequisites:

    • An Active Azure Subscription;
    • A user with Owner role in the Subscription;
    • Users with Microsoft Teams license;
    • Acess to Azure Active Directory (App Registrations);
    • Acess to Microsoft Teams Admin Center;
    • A teams for the authors of this application;
    • Predefined Admin and authors of the application;

    It is very important that these points are validated before the deployment meeting, if one of this prerequisites isn't ok, it can cause the postergation of Company Hello in your organization.

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